Henry, are you nice? Or no?
Henry, do you need to go potty? Is that why you lick your wang? Lick not thine wang, Henry.
Henry, do you have a sagittal crest? Is it vestigial? Could you fuck something the fuck up with your HenryMouth? Or no?
Henry, don't be too proud to use the GUI. You're a real coder even if you don't work from the command line.
Henry, did you eat the small intestine of a rabbit and then barf up something resembling shit? Did you “sharf,” Henry? Did you? You did, didn’t you. Sharf not, Henry Dog.
Henry, does it bother you that Shroedinger used a cat? You could be a symbol of possibility, too. Good boy symbolize all outcomes at once.
Henry. do you have a C level position? Are you the CHO? Chief Henn-ing Officer? Do you have a window office?
Henry, if there were a lot of you, would you demonstrate stigmergy like a swarm of ants only cute? Would you be a swarm of cuteness? Good boy be cute.
HenrySpoons. Come spoons. Good boy, HenrySpoons.
Henry, on my deathbed, will I be telling myself I am so glad that I helped consult with GlobalMega Corp. and made their hulking business a few more dollars? Or no?
Derek Davidson
Ten Absurd Questions I Can Imagine My Very Educated Wife Enthusiastically Asking My Dog
Updated: Mar 3, 2020